Saturday, August 21, 2010

I am a COLLECTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ever wondered how you managed to collect so much stuff!!!
Today I decided to dust the lounge.................
but I for got how much stuff I have to Dust!!!!!
Does anyone else out there have this problem???????
Lots and lots and..........
lots of stuff.........
But guess what...............................
Keep guessing!!!!!
Hope you are still guessing(or wondering what I am going on about)
I LOVE IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You're an amazing collector. Beautiful stuff and it all adds to the homely character of your house. We love it. And in reply to your questions I don't have any where near as much stuff and I don't clean my house nearly as often as you. Good on you though! And yes my windows are filthy and I'm pretty sure my oven could do with a clean...

  2. Me too! Trouble is the dusting...or lack of it sometimes, but it sure does look great when you have done it.
